Now-Time is a research and publishing project coordinating a multiplicity of historical lines oriented towards present activity. We aim to relink design,¹ critical consciousness, and social-historical perspective. With collaborators we create new works that move through the maze of what has been,² and transform those old works that speak indirectly but lucidly to the present situation.³
¹ Design defined as courses of action aimed at changing existing situations into preferred ones.
² Truth, questions and ideas in art / stories / evidence passed from the past, pleasant and unpleasant.
³ The necessity of overcoming the icy waters of egotistical calculation.
The task is to cooperatively construct a counter-past of charged material, contributing to the general social imaginary, highlighting untimely potentials and capacities to draw from. By capturing historical sparks that add time-filled tension within the present, the link between past and present becomes a collision of evidence and energy directing our multiple futures.
Locating buried agreements between generations creates a coexistence of hopes and struggles that demystify and defamiliarize everyday life. By tracing repetition and novelty throughout historical processes we can make perceptual ruptures between what exists and what is possible.
We make objects and publications as vehicles for the productive power of cooperation, bridging private and political life, creating new shared points of reference. By observing, collecting, and testifying, we collectively gain deeper perspectives about problems and fundamental questions.
Against mechanical time, mythical history, and the trap of the present, we collapse the hyphen between now and then, finding correspondences between moments without distinction between major and minor, creating spaces with tools encouraging intervention. History does nothing, we do.
Online library and image-bank → → Dragonfly-Eye (ꙮ)